Training vehicle for Katito Youth Polytechnic

As our project in Nyakach develops and our sponsored children move through their education, it has become important for Footsteps to implement a plan that considers education from primary education to higher education and vocational training.  Not all children have the chance to become doctors, lawyers or engineers, but all children can become productive adults if they are given the skills and training.

The next phase of our plan is to develop the Katito Youth Polytechnic into a facility that our less academic children will be able to attend.

To this end we took our Rafiki volunteers to visit the facility where they saw the different skills being trained: bricklaying, dressmaking, hairdressing, IT, horticulture and motor mechanics.

The car they had for training purposes was in a very poor state, so the idea arose in conversation between Toby and Suzanne over one too many beers, to see who could stay up latest on the last night of the trip.  The loser would buy a second-hand vehicle for the Polytechnic.

A draw was eventually declared and the resulting vehicle can be seen in the accompanying photo.